Two Physicians from Norway
Like many of you, our omega-3 journey began with concern for our family’s health. Back in the 1990s, when Bo and I were working as physicians in Norway, we noticed that our son struggled with certain neurobehavioral tasks and focus.
Trying to find solutions, we discovered the research on omega-3 fatty acids. We learned that EPA and DHA promote neurobehavioral development and signaling in the brain. We also discovered that omega-3s could impact many of the health issues affecting our patients — if they got the right dose and quality.
Creating A New Kind of Fish Oil
Teaming up with one of Norway’s top omega-3 specialists, we developed Omega Cure. Unlike other fish oils, Omega Cure was full-spectrum and exceptionally fresh, which made it easy to get an effective dose.
The positive impact of the oil surprised even us. People who had been taking other omega-3 supplements, including prescription fish oils, bragged about their improved lipid numbers and enhanced mobility. Parents reported that their children were doing better in school.
We felt the difference too. Bo’s back, which had given him much grief in Norway, became a non-issue. And our son became more even keeled and focused.
15+ Years of Innovation
Creating Omega Cure was just the beginning. Since then, we’ve continued to perfect the purity and potency of Omega Cure with better technology. We’ve developed omega-3 and fiber-rich meal replacements for people who struggle with oily textures. More recently, we’ve been exploring the synergy between melatonin and omega-3s, including studying this duo’s effect on cancer.
Throughout it all, our customers’ feedback has guided our process and kept us passionate about helping people achieve better health. We’ve seen Omega Cure transform lives, and we are excited to share its potent benefits with you.
Omega Restore is named as one of five finalists for the international SupplySide Editor’s Choice Award in the anti-aging category.
Omega Passion’s precursor (called the Omega Heaven) wins the SupplySide Editor’s Choice Award for innovation in the omega-3 category. It beat out large international companies like Nordic Naturals.
We receive the patent on the procedure that allows us to make cookies and chocolates with high doses of omega-3s. This was no small feat. When researchers at the University of Ontario tried to make similar omega-3-rich nutrition bars, they could only get 17% the amount of fish oil we had in each Omega Cookie.
Omega3 Innovations (then known as Ambo Health) wins the innovation category of the Development Corporation of Sarasota County’s Hall of Fame Awards.
Omega Restore is named as one of five product finalists for the international SupplySide Editor’s Choice Award in the anti-aging category.
Omega Restore is named as one of five product finalists for the international SupplySide Editor’s Choice Award in the anti-aging category.
Omega Restore is named as one of five product finalists for the international SupplySide Editor’s Choice Award in the anti-aging category.
Omega Restore is named as one of five product finalists for the international SupplySide Editor’s Choice Award in the anti-aging category.
We have seen Omega Cure transform the lives of friends, family and customers. The desire to improve people’s health guides every business decision we make.
Making exceptionally fresh fish oil doesn’t come cheap, but we don’t cut corners. Our goal is to provide you with the best quality ingredients produced in an ethical way.
As a small family business, we strive to connect with people personally. We love to follow up with customers to answer questions and educate about dose, timing and more.
Science &
Every product we make is grounded in extensive research. And every day, we review the newest data on omega-3s and other nutrients to inform product updates.