Our Favorite Omega-3 Fish Oil Benefits

Omega-3 fish oil certainly has a reputation for delivering a plethora of incredible benefits. And it’s true! Omega-3 fatty acids have been studied for a broad range of health conditions. These include mental health, joint health, fertility, cardiovascular health, skin health, and even hair growth, to name a few.

Omega-3s cannot be produced by the body. This means we have to consume these important fatty acids in our diet.

Whole foods like mackerel, salmon, flaxseed, and walnuts all provide omega-3s. Yet even if your diet often includes these food sources, it can be difficult to get the recommended dose without turning to a supplement. Fresh fish oil supplements, like Omega Cure®, are a great way to get the full omega-3 fish oil benefits your body needs.

How can you get more omegas? While there are plenty of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, it can sometimes be difficult to get enough into your daily diet. Taking a high quality, fresh fish oil supplement is a great way to ensure you’re getting the maximum omega-3 benefits.

Amazing Omega-3 Fish Oil Health Benefits

It would take a long and robust list to describe all the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. So today, let’s look at just a few of our favorite omega-3 fish oil benefits to explain why we’re passionate about these fatty acids and how they can help you work towards better health.

• Mental health – Omega-3 fatty acids are imperative for healthy brain function. In some studies, omega-3 deficiencies were linked to various psychiatric disorders. Because omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids play a fundamental role in brain function and development, ensuring that we get enough of these important nutrients can be pivotal to our brain health.

• Cardiovascular health – Omega-3s may have a positive impact on heart health. Not only have studies shown that these fatty acids lower triglycerides and improve cholesterol levels, but they may also lower blood pressure and assist in plaque prevention.

• Skin health – Omega-3 fish oil benefits may also include healthy skin support. Studies observed that in some cases, fish oil supplements improved psoriasis, while others report that taking omega-3s from fish oil proved helpful for maintaining healthy skin barrier function, reducing skin inflammation and improving a variety of skin conditions.

• Pregnancy and early development – While it’s important to get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids throughout our whole lives, it’s especially critical during pregnancy. Some studies suggest that healthy levels of omega-3s are imperative for babies’ retina and brain development. It’s also been shown that taking omega-3 supplements while breastfeeding may help improve visual development and reduce the risk of allergies in infants.

• Cognitive function – There are a multitude of factors that impact mental function as we age. Alzheimer’s and dementia disorders can be devastating, but some studies suggest that individuals who consume healthy levels of omega-3s throughout their lives are less likely to develop cognitive impairment.

omega-3 and cardiovascular health

A dose of omega-3s each day keeps the doctor…very pleased with your lipid profile: Studies show that omega-3 and cardiovascular health may have a beneficial relationship.

We know just how amazing omega-3 fish oil benefits are, and we want to share why we think so with everyone! The list of benefits is so much longer than what we have here, so be sure to check back to learn more about how Omega3 Innovations’ omega-3 fish oils might help you feel better, and live a fuller, healthier life!

You can learn more about Omega Cure® and our story by checking out our page here.

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Omega3 Innovations is a physician-directed company, dedicated to improving wellness with a unique line of fresh, effective and delicious omega-3 based products.

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Safe And Tested

Every batch is carefully purified and analyzed to ensure it outperforms standards for mercury and other contaminants. LEARN MORE

Optimized Absorption

Omega Cure is in the triglyceride form for maximum bioavailability. Plus, because it comes as a liquid, it's better absorbed than traditional capsules. LEARN MORE

Full Spectrum

Omega Cure is rich in not just EPA and DHA omega-3s, but a full spectrum of fatty acids and nutrient cofactors.

Nutritionally speaking, it's like extra virgin olive oil in a world of highly processed omega-3 products. LEARN MORE

Full Dose

Each serving of Omega Cure provides 3000 mg of EPA/DHA – enough to cover most adults’ daily omega-3 needs.

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Pure Taste

Because it’s so fresh, Omega Cure doesn't have a fishy taste or smell. Drink it straight, or add to juice, yogurt or kefir.

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Exceptionally Fresh

With fish oil, oxidation levels demonstrate freshness. Omega Cure’s pristine oxidation levels put it in a class by itself.

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