How to Tell if Your Omega-3 Supplement Is Working

Whenever we pick up a new habit to improve our health — be it working out with weights, cutting down on refined sugar, or taking three teaspoons of Omega Cure® every day — we know it’s going to take time to see a difference. Rome wasn’t built overnight, we tell ourselves. At the same time though, we want to know that our efforts are paying off.

When I talked with one Omega Cure customer recently, he expressed frustration when I mentioned it could take between 6 to 12 weeks to see a difference for his bad knee. “After 3 months,” he said, “You don’t remember what you felt like to begin with anyways!”

I had to laugh at this, but acknowledged he had a point. When change is gradual and may take weeks or months to become noticeable, it’s easy to forget where we started.

Whether you are new to Omega Cure or picking up another healthy habit, here are the techniques I recommend for assessing your progress:

Envision the Improvements

In my own health journey, I’ve been learning Chen-style Tai Chi Old Frame in the last year. There is a lot of squatting, high kicks and punches in this form of Tai Chi. In spite of the fact that I practice nearly every day, it still feels like it takes forever to remember the sequence of movements and gain enough strength in my legs to execute them well.

One thing I’ve learned through this process, however, is the power of intention. Before I go to practice, I set a goal for the outcomes I want to achieve. When I start with a specific intention, I find that my practice is more focused.

Similarly, for Omega Cure users, it’s helpful to be aware of the changes you are hoping will happen, be it greater flexibility, less joint stiffness or lower triglyceride levels. Yes, you can also take Omega Cure as a preventive tool for your future health. But if you are looking for specific improvements, then acknowledge that. Your specificity will help as you start your Omega Cure journey.

Find a Way to Measure the Effects

Now that you know what kinds of benefits you are hoping to see, consider the ways you could measure change. For example:

~ If you have dry eyes, is there a reduction in the number of eye drops you need to take?

~ Are you, like the Customer of the Month Allen Olender, able to cycle more miles over the course of several weeks?

~ Are you using less pain medication with time?

~ Do you have to visit the hairdresser or cut your nails more frequently because of improved growth?

The above examples are all great ways of assessing Omega Cure’s impact, pulled from stories our customers have shared with us over the years. I’m sure you can think up other good measuring techniques that fit your lifestyle and health goals. But the key point is to measure your progress against something else you did before starting on Omega Cure and continue to do regularly. That way, you’ll have a reference point for the gradual changes that are happening in your body.

Allen | Omega3 Innovations Customer of the Month

Allen Olender reflects on how he could assess Omega Cure’s impact on his joints:

“Prior to taking Omega Cure, after 8 to 10 miles on the bike, my knee was always sore, prompting me to either stop to rest, take some ibuprofen, or just cut the ride short. After two months of taking Omega Cure, it started to hurt me at about 17 or 18 miles. Today, I can knock off 25 to 30 miles without a hitch. No pain, no ibuprofen.

I was able to gage Omega Cure’s effects by the miles. If I didn’t see this with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it.”

Document the Changes

Now that you have identified a way to measure the change, it’s time to document them.

If you enjoy writing, keep a diary or a journal describing how you are feeling during the first 12 weeks of taking Omega Cure. Journaling is also wonderful if you’re primarily focused on health benefits that aren’t easy to measure, like improvements in mood and mental health.

Another good way to document change: Get a blood test to measure your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This is an especially good strategy if you regularly visit your doctor and keep track of your lipid numbers — like Irene Biancotti, our Customer of the Month this last March.

Be Precise with Your Daily Dose

As you are documenting the changes in your health, it is of course important to set yourself up for success. The most common reason people don’t see a difference when using Omega Cure is that they aren’t taking an effective dose or they aren’t taking it regularly. When people call us to postpone their subscriptions, we can often tell by the number of weeks between orders that there’s no way they are getting enough oil to make a difference.

To clarify, one bottle of Omega Cure takes approximately 18 days to finish if you are taking the recommended 13.4 mL daily dose for adults. So if two of you are sharing a bottle, you should be finishing it up within half that time. Yes, that’s about 9 days.

If you regularly take too little Omega Cure, you may be depriving yourself of the positive health difference that got you started on the oil originally. Longtime Omega Cure user Lynn Blades discussed this exact phenomenon in her Customer of the Month interview. After taking Omega Cure for several years, she noticed that she had started to get pain in her ankles. During a phone conversation, I encouraged her to precisely measure out the dose. In a later interview, she said:

“I increased my dose to a tablespoon a day, measuring it exactly with a shot glass. Within a few weeks, I noticed improvements in the pain in my ankles – and it was a significant difference. The increase in oil was the only change I made.”

The moral of the story is, if you are not seeing a difference, assess how much you are taking. In many cases, all you need is to beef up your measuring skills.

How much Omega Cure should I take?

Use a measuring device, like the little cups included with your order, to make sure you are getting the recommended Omega Cure dose. 

Be Consistent

Being consistent makes a difference. I’ve found that if I miss a day of Tai Chi, I’m not as clever the next. These days, I try to keep up my Tai Chi even when I’m traveling. I meditate in hotel rooms and step outside into the courtyard in the mornings to review my exercises before the day begins.

This regularity is important for Omega Cure users too. Since the omega-3 molecules need time to build up in the body, regularly skipping your daily dose undoes much of the good work you’ve already accomplished.

If you regularly travel or if you like the convenience of a pre-measured dose, I always recommend using Omega Cure Extra Strength as your day-to-day product. There’s no measuring and there’s no clean up with the vials.

If you want more advice about taking Omega Cure, please reach out to us by phone or email or leave a comment below. For all the suggestions I have here, we’ve got a lot more where that came from.

What Our Omega Cure Customers Say

Anne-Marie Chalmers, MD

Anne-Marie Chalmers, MD

Born and raised in the United States, Dr. Chalmers graduated from Brown University and completed her medical training at the University of Oslo in Norway. Dr. Chalmers practiced medicine for many years, serving both at high-tech hospitals and as a community health worker in rural Norway. Together with Dr. Martinsen, she later co-founded Wellpride LLLP dba Omega3 Innovations and is the joint holder of several patents that facilitate the ingestion of multiple medication combinations. Today, she serves as the president of Omega3 Innovations.

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