Brain Health Archives - Omega3 Innovations

Does Melatonin Help With Anxiety?

Anxiety is on the rise, no doubt about it. In 2024, 43% of adults reported feeling more anxious than they did the year prior. That’s up from 37% in 2023 and 32% in 2022, according to the American Psychiatric Associations’ annual poll. For those who struggle with an anxiety disorder, there’s good news about melatonin. […]


Omega-3 & Melatonin: Not Just for Better Sleep

“I don’t need melatonin – I sleep like a log.” That’s what many say when they hear about Omega Restore (a combination of omega-3s, vitamin D3, and melatonin). It’s true that melatonin influences our sleep and helps regulate our circadian rhythm. But melatonin’s effects extend far beyond getting a good night’s rest. Today, melatonin is […]


11 Things I’m Feeling Grateful for Right Now

Hospitals are overwhelmed, businesses are struggling to stay afloat, countries are closing their borders, and my daughter is on a “being grateful” kick! Every time I say something negative, she tries to reframe my attitude by asking, “So what are you grateful for right now?” She’s right, of course. While fear is a healthy impulse […]


6 Common Myths About Melatonin, Debunked

Just in the last year, there’s been a massive surge in the number of consumers buying melatonin to help with their sleep problems. But with that increase comes a lot of misinformation, too. While Dr. Bo Martinsen and I don’t claim to be the ultimate melatonin experts, we have read several hundred research articles on […]


Does CBD Oil Need Omega-3 to Work?

Every day, there seems to be a new article about the growing popularity of CBD oil. Some articles speculate on the enormous economic growth that is expected from CBD products over the next few years, while others focus on CBD’s potential for reducing chronic pain and alleviating anxiety. The third type of article comes from […]


Omega-3s for Anxiety: Unpacking the Benefits

Whether it’s work deadlines or perfect parenting expectations, managing anxiety in today’s society can be overwhelming. In fact, nearly 20% of Americans suffer from an anxiety disorder. Recent studies, however, have determined that natural supplements for anxiety – like omega-3 fish oil – may help manage symptoms, depending on the dose and quality. What Are […]


The Neuroprotective Benefits of Omega-3 and Melatonin for TBI

She was lying in the emergency room with a scruffy, cracked helmet perched on her stomach. “I guess it could have been a cracked skull instead if a holey helmet,” she joked. Helene, age 16, had flown, head first, onto the ground when her horse refused the jump. It was estimated that she laid there […]


Cruising Her Way Back to Better Health and Balance with Omega Cure

In 2014, Joan O’Brien felt terrible. She struggled with arthritis pain, balance issues and even worried that her memory was starting to go. Worst of all, she couldn’t participate in her favorite activities or travel easily any longer. That summer, Joan started on Omega Cure® cod liver oil. And today, she says the oil has […]


For One Family, A Chocolatey Fix for Focus in School

Chocolate for breakfast? Yes, says, JoAnn, who started her son on the Omega Passion chocolate truffles after looking for a high quality, easy-to-swallow omega-3 supplement. In this August 2016 Customer of the Month story, JoAnn shares how Omega Passion helped her son’s focus in school and became an important and tasty part of the whole family’s […]


Improving Student Performance with Tasty Omega-3 Cookies

Omega-3 represents a family of nutrients that are essential for brain development and good cognitive functioning. In spite of the omega-3 molecules’ physiological importance in the body and brain, research shows that the typical Western diet is highly deficient in omega-3 due to low fatty fish consumption. Making matters worse, the deficiency is exacerbated by […]


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Safe And Tested

Every batch is carefully purified and analyzed to ensure it outperforms standards for mercury and other contaminants. LEARN MORE

Optimized Absorption

Omega Cure is in the triglyceride form for maximum bioavailability. Plus, because it comes as a liquid, it's better absorbed than traditional capsules. LEARN MORE

Full Spectrum

Omega Cure is rich in not just EPA and DHA omega-3s, but a full spectrum of fatty acids and nutrient cofactors.

Nutritionally speaking, it's like extra virgin olive oil in a world of highly processed omega-3 products. LEARN MORE

Full Dose

Each serving of Omega Cure provides 3000 mg of EPA/DHA – enough to cover most adults’ daily omega-3 needs.

Why does your omega-3 dose matter? LEARN MORE

Pure Taste

Because it’s so fresh, Omega Cure doesn't have a fishy taste or smell. Drink it straight, or add to juice, yogurt or kefir.

Want more omega-3 recipe ideas? We've got you covered! LEARN MORE

Exceptionally Fresh

With fish oil, oxidation levels demonstrate freshness. Omega Cure’s pristine oxidation levels put it in a class by itself.

Why is it important to get a fresh fish oil? And how do we protect Omega Cure's oxidation levels? LEARN MORE