omega-3 products Archives - Omega3 Innovations

Should I Take Omega 3 Fish Oil for Fertility?

As a public health nurse in the 1960s, my mother cared for many unwed, pregnant teenagers. As I was growing up, she gave me the impression that “just looking at a boy” would land me in the same boat. My attitude changed in medical school while I was working at a fertility clinic. During this […]


Is Rancid Fish Oil Safe to Consume?

Think about fish oil. If your gut reaction is “yuck,” you are in good company. Whether it’s from remembering Grandma’s cod liver oil or taking those horse-pills in the cupboard, most people believe that a fish oil supplement ought to taste bad. We put up with the unpleasant fish oil smell and taste because…well, it’s […]


Does CBD Oil Need Omega-3 to Work?

Every day, there seems to be a new article about the growing popularity of CBD oil. Some articles speculate on the enormous economic growth that is expected from CBD products over the next few years, while others focus on CBD’s potential for reducing chronic pain and alleviating anxiety. The third type of article comes from […]


The Future of Sustainable Omega 3 Fish Oil

We’ve heard a lot of concerns about the sustainability of omega-3 fish oil supplements, especially recently. Does the manufacturing of fish oil supplements deplete the ocean’s resources? And what will happen if the demand for fish oil increases, as projected? People are right to be concerned about purchasing sustainable fish, since overfishing is a big […]


A Woman with Graves’ Disease: ‘My Eyes Feel Normal Again’

Debbie Watkins, a Florida resident and pharmacist technician, started taking Omega Cure fish oil to improve her cholesterol levels. But a few months into taking the oil, she experienced more than a change in her HDL. To her surprise, her chronically dry, aching eyes were getting better. In this November 2015 Customer of the Month […]


9 Reasons Why Omega Cure Is the Best Fish Oil on the Market

Last week, I called one of our new customers to see how she’d been doing with her Omega Cure®, our full-spectrum liquid fish oil. “It’s going fine,” she told me. “I’ve been taking it every day. But I’m unsure what makes Omega Cure worth the price, besides the fact that it is supposed to be […]


An Avid Jogger Shares Her Omega3 Innovations Story

Meet our February 2015 Customer of the Month, Brenda D. from Texas. An avid jogger, horse rider, and college professor, Brenda loves staying active. But having a family history of arthritis, she knew she was going to have to take precautions to keep herself on the move. Then she found Omega Cure. Here is her […]


Could Multivitamins be a Threat to Your Health?

Some time ago, I received a letter from an old patient of mine. He asked, “Is it true what research reports from Denmark are saying ? Does taking particular vitamins increase the risk of disease and dying?” The Vitamin B Paradox The letter brought back memories from many years ago when I was investigating the […]


Pharmacy Aisle Confusion: Three Misleading Claims on Fish Oil Labels

Choosing a fish oil supplement can be daunting. The shelves in the supplement aisle are lined with a plethora of brands, all claiming to be the best. How can you tell a quality fish oil from a less effective omega-3? Here are three common label claims to be aware of: Omega-3, 6 and 9 Omega-3 […]


Omega-3 Supplements Not Working? This Is Why!

Every Saturday morning, when we set up our booth at the farmers’ market, we hear the same thing: “I already take omega-3 supplements, but I don’t really feel or see any difference in my health.” With new research studies appearing daily about the benefits of omega-3s for people’s heart, joints, brain, eyes, skin, fertility and […]


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Safe And Tested

Every batch is carefully purified and analyzed to ensure it outperforms standards for mercury and other contaminants. LEARN MORE

Optimized Absorption

Omega Cure is in the triglyceride form for maximum bioavailability. Plus, because it comes as a liquid, it's better absorbed than traditional capsules. LEARN MORE

Full Spectrum

Omega Cure is rich in not just EPA and DHA omega-3s, but a full spectrum of fatty acids and nutrient cofactors.

Nutritionally speaking, it's like extra virgin olive oil in a world of highly processed omega-3 products. LEARN MORE

Full Dose

Each serving of Omega Cure provides 3000 mg of EPA/DHA – enough to cover most adults’ daily omega-3 needs.

Why does your omega-3 dose matter? LEARN MORE

Pure Taste

Because it’s so fresh, Omega Cure doesn't have a fishy taste or smell. Drink it straight, or add to juice, yogurt or kefir.

Want more omega-3 recipe ideas? We've got you covered! LEARN MORE

Exceptionally Fresh

With fish oil, oxidation levels demonstrate freshness. Omega Cure’s pristine oxidation levels put it in a class by itself.

Why is it important to get a fresh fish oil? And how do we protect Omega Cure's oxidation levels? LEARN MORE